Carlina, Alida Coops
Sex: Female
Birth: 11 May 1833 , , , Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death: 22 Oct 1858 , , , Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
This page was created 1 Sep 2022, 12:33:55
S1: Hans Schiedon, schiedon Web Site (S304) Page: Carlina Alida Coops Data: Toegevoegd via een Instant Discovery™ Quality of data: 0
FamilySearch Stamboom (MyHeritage) (S297) Page: Data: Carlina Alida Coops
Birth name: Carlina Alida Coops
Gender: Female
Birth: May 11 1833 - Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death: Oct 22 1858 - Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Parents: Peter Coops, Geertrui Wilhelmina Sophia Coops (born Kindermann)
Siblings: Johan Marius Coops, Willem Coops, Jan Christian Coops, Derk Jan Willem Abr. Gesienus Coops, Margaretha Willink Ketjen (born Coops), Johanna Maria Landry (born Coops) Quality of data: 0
S3: Francis Franck, Franck Web Site (S308) Page: Data: Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen Quality of data: 0