Johanna, Maria Evekink
Sex: Female
Birth: 10 Jul 1771 , , , Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death: 9 Nov 1839 , , , Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
10 Jul 1771 , , , Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
This page was created 1 Sep 2022, 12:33:52
Evekink, Peter
Greve, Catharina
Marriage: abt 1795 , , , Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
S1: Hans Schiedon, schiedon Web Site (S304) Page: Johanna Maria Evekink Data: Toegevoegd via een Instant Discovery™ Quality of data: 0
FamilySearch Stamboom (MyHeritage) (S297) Page: Data: Johanna Maria Coops (born Evekink)
Birth name: Johanna Maria Evekink
Gender: Female
Birth: Circa 1771 - Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Christening: July 10 1771 - Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Marriage: Circa 1795 - Doetinchem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Death: Nov 9 1839 - Doetinchem-Stad, Gelderland,Netherlands
Parents: Peter Evekink, Catharina Evekink (born Greven)
Husband: Willem Coops
Children: Gerrit Jan Coops, Dirk Jan Coops, Gerarda Mechtelina Coops, Willem Abraham Gesinus Coops, Theodora Reijnetta Coops, Catharina Coops, Derk Jan Coops Busgers, Petronella Schroder (born Coops), Diderika Johanna Coops, Peter Coops
Siblings: Willem Evekink, DERK EVEKINK, ABRAHAM EVEKINK, RENETTA CHRISTIANA Busgers (born EVEKINK), Peter Evekink, Derk Evekind
This person appears to have duplicated relatives. View it on FamilySearch to see the full information. Quality of data: 0
S3: Francis Franck, Franck Web Site (S308) Page: Data: Added by confirming a Smart Match Quality of data: 0
Nederland, Huwelijksregister (Burgerlijke Stand), 1811-1940 (MyHeritage) (S465) Page: Data: Herman Hendrik Timotheus Coops & Gerharda Megtelina Coops
Huwelijk: 19 sep 1823 - Stad Doetinchem (Doetinchem)
Bruidegom: Johanna Maria Evekink
Geboorte: Ongeveer 1793
Leeftijd: 30
Beroep: Luitetenant Ter Zee
Bruid: Willem Coops
Geboorte: Ongeveer 1798
Leeftijd: 25
Beroep: Zonder Beroep
Vader: Willem Coops
Moeder: Johanna Maria Evekink
Instelling: Gelders Archief
Archief: 0207
Register #: 5582
Document #: 8
Bronplaats: Stad Doetinchem (Doetinchem)
Brondatum: 1823-09-19
Datum boekdeel: 1823-09-19 Quality of data: 0
S5: Erich Brouwer, Brouwer (S471) Page: Johanna Maria Coops (geb. Evekink) Data: Toegevoegd door een Smart Match te bevestigen Quality of data: 0