Roeland Van Kinschot
Sex: Male
Birth: 29 Jun 1776 , , Breda, Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Death: 5 Sep 1819 , , Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
This page was created 1 Sep 2022, 12:34:53
S1: Geni World Family Tree (S500002) Data: Roeland Van Kinschot<br>Geslacht: Man<br>Roepnaam: Roland van Kinschot<br>Geboorte: 29 jun 1776 - Breda, Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands<br>Overlijden: 5 sep 1819 - Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands<br>Vader: Gaspard van Kinschot, Mr.<br>Moeder: Sara Catharina Van der Mast<br>Echtgenote: Louise van Lochem<br>Kind: Gaspar Louis François Van Kinschot<br>Broers/zusters: Wilhelmine Louise Rolandine Van Kinschot, Hugo van Kinschot, Jonkheer, Gaspar Anne François van Kinschot, Pierre Bernard le Vasseur van Kinschot Quality of data: 4