August, Albert Franck
Sex: Male
Birth: 26 Nov 1910 , , Antwerp, Arrondissement Antwerpen, Antwerp (Antwerpen), Belgium
Death: 9 Apr 2008 , , Cooperstown, Otsego County, New York, USA
ADDR Cooperstown, New York 13326, USA, Cooperstown, New York 13326, USA
ADDR 1955 San Francisco, California, USA, San Francisco, California, USA
, , Cooperstown, Otsego County, New York, USA
This data was last updated 1 Sep 2022, 10:47:24
This page was created 1 Sep 2022, 12:34:00
Franck, Jules
Van Straeten, Florina Maria Henrica
Marriage: 19 Aug 1936 , , , Antwerpen, Antwerpen, België
Amerikaanse overlijdens index (SSDI) (MyHeritage) (S302) Page: Data: August A Franck
Birth: Nov 26 1910
Death: Apr 9 2008
Last residence: Cooperstown, New York 13326, USA
SSN issuing state: Quality of data: 0
S2: Amerikaanse overlijdens index (SSDI) (MyHeritage) (S302) Page: Data: August A FranckGeboorte: 26 nov 1910Overlijden: 9 apr 2008Laatst bekende woonplaats: Cooperstown, New York 13326, USASSN staat van uitgifte: Quality of data: 0
Amerikaanse overlijdens index (SSDI) (S500007) Data: August A Franck<br>Geboorte: 26 nov 1910<br>Overlijden: 9 apr 2008<br>Laatste woonplaats: Cooperstown, New York 13326, USA<br>SSN staat van uitgifte:
New York
Quality of data: 4
S4: Canadese overlijdensberichten 1997 2017 (S500008) Data: August Albert Franck&lt;br&gt;Overlijden: 9 apr 2008&lt;br&gt;Gepubliceerd: 11 apr 2008 - Montreal, Quebec, Canada&lt;br&gt;Gepubliceerd door: The Gazette&lt;br&gt;Overlijdensbericht: OBITUARY AUGUST ALBERT FRANCK COOPERSTOWN, NEW YORK, USA Mr. August Albert Franck, ninety-seven, died Wednesday afternoon, April 9, 2008 at Otsego Manor in Cooperstown, New York. Born November 26, 1910 in Antwerp, Belgium, he was the eldest of five children of Jules and Florine nee Van Straeten Franck. Mr. Franck married Hilda Sylvia Vandamme on August 19, 1936, in Antwerp, Belgium. Their loving marriage lasted sixty-three years, until Hilda's death on March 6, 2000. A graduate of the Institut commercial et colonial in Brussels, Mr. Franck devoted his professional life to international trade and business. His career took him and his family to Shanghai, China, Bombay, India, and Karachi, Pakistan. During this period, he endured the hardship of being interned for two and a half years in a civilian prisoner of war camp in Shanghai. In 1953, his work took him to San Francisco and New York City. In 1964, he moved to Montreal, Canada, and became president and CEO of Genstar Ltd until his retirement in 1980. He subsequently resided in Hamilton, Bermuda, where he was the Honorary Belgian Consul. The last years of his life were spent in Cooperstown, NY, surrounded by his loving family. He is survived by his three children, Greta Michaels of Springfield, Virginia, Walter A. Franck, MD, and his wife, Linda, of Cooperstown, NY, and Drs. Robert and Denise Franck of Montreal, Quebec, Canada; ten grandchildren; and twenty-two great-grandchildren. He is also survived by nieces and nephews in Belgium, with whom he shared a close relationship. To all of his family he remained an inspiration in his personal and public life. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 12, 2008 at St. Mary's Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church in Cooperstown, with Fr. John P. Rosson, pastor, presiding. The Service of Committal and Burial will follow in St. Mary's Cemetery, Index. Friends may call at the Connell, Dow & Deysenroth Funeral Home, 82 Chestnut Street, Co...&lt;br&gt;Bron: Bekijk het <a>volledige overlijdensbericht</a> op de <a>Drouin Genealogisch Instituut Website</a> Quality of data: 4